We are pleased to inform you that the proceedings of MedPRAI-2016 will be published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in its International Conference Proceedings Series. More details will be sent to you soon.
The MedPRAI 2016 is now successfully closed, thank you very much for your participation and congratulations for the best paper award winners.
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 1st Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. The conference is organized by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Larbi Tebessi University and will be held in Tebessa, Algeria on November 22-23, 2016. The conference aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussions on recent advancements in different areas of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.
Topics of interest scope all related subareas including but not limited to the following.
Track 1: Pattern Recognition
- Handwriting analysis and recognition
- Biometrics applications
- Pattern recognition & applications
- Image, speech, signal and video processing
- Machine learning and data mining
- Computer vision
- Robotics and perception
- Virtual reality & medical applications
Track 2: Artificial Intelligence
- Natural language processing
- Automated reasoning and inference
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Constraint processing
- Heuristic search
- Intelligent interfaces
- Multi-agent Systems
- Deep learning
All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the international program committee; additional reviewers will be consulted if needed. Paper acceptance will be based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of presentation.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended and improved version to a special issue published in Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (2016 JCR Impact Factor: 1.703).

The Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence is endorsed by the International Association for Pattern Recognition